XXVI Family Business Award Santelmo Business School 2023

Today we bring you a new award for our trajectory, this time it is a very special award as it is a recognition of the family origin of our company and what this family spirit has represented and represents until today for all of us who are part of Quesos del Casar.

Este reconocimiento fue otorgado por la BBVA Chair of Family Business of San Telmo Business School of Malaga. BBVA Chair of Family Business at San Telmo Business School in MalagaThe event was held on Thursday 06/15/2023 at the headquarters of the San Telmo Foundation in Malaga, attended by our director Mario Blanco Rey, second family generation, together with a large group of representatives of other family businesses in Andalusia, Extremadura, Ceuta and Melilla. This event has a long history, it is its twenty-sixth edition, and it was born with the purpose of helping families to be better managers of their companies, valuing everything that the family can contribute to the company and vice versa.

Group photo of the award-winning businessmen.
Mario Blasco Rey, owner of Quesos del Casar S.L., receiving the award.

For us, this celebration has been a great satisfaction and joy for allowing us to be part of this group of family businesses, with which we feel largely identified, and for offering us the opportunity to share our experiences, in part very similar and at the same time. so different and enriching.

At the head of this publication you can see the video that the organization edited with our collaboration to represent the trajectory of Quesos del Casar until today. You can also find out more about this event in the news that has published Santelmo Business School on its website, by clicking on the following logo:

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